
 Life can be funny sometimes.  With the right attitude it can be funny ALL the time.   More than a decade ago we left California and ended up in the last place we thought we would ever be … West bum jazz Maine (right next door to the ‘middle of nowhere New Hampshire.’)  When we started East we had no idea where we were going or what we would do when we got there.  We didn’t even plan a travel route cross country.  We figured we would head North and turn right sometime before we hit Canada.   Our only goal was to put the boys first and try live simply, surrounded by the things we love.  

We find ourselves in 2024 still very much ourselves, but now taking care of: a pack of dogs, a larger flock of chickens, one ninja-like cat.  Add two (not so) little boys (men) and one little monster all the time and you have our chaotic little homestead.   Recently we decided to rededicate our efforts and the way we live, in the hope that we can become better connected with the land and truly put our family first.  Guided by the seasons, we hope to explore the simple skills and rewarding crafts that most have forgotten.  

Sometimes you have to leave everything behind to start over in the direction you have always needed to go. 


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7 Comments on “About

  1. Ah, brilliant (wicked brilliant!)! I am a Maine-iac and that last line resonates with me so much. Ayuh.
    Happy 2015 and I look forward to more stories from your homestead to my now overseas homestead.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Every time I flew with Dennis, when we landed it was always ‘cheated death again’. Eventually the cheating catches up to us.


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